CEiiA // Centre of Engineering and Product Development, was the stage chosen for the presentation of the final projects of LINK4S (sustainability) consortium, led by NOS SGPS, in partnership with DTx – Digital Transformation CoLAB, Mobileum, Exatronic, REN, Portgás, Wyze, Beyond Vision, CEiiA, INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory and Universidade do Minho.
The project materializes effective benefits for people and cities, by improving the quality of life and reducing the environmental impact through the implementation of sustainable digital solutions in mobility and energy ecosystems.
André Matos, CEO of DTx – Digital Transformation CoLAB highlighted “ the clarity and relevance of the project’s use cases which, through collaborative research between the Academy and business partners, allowed DTx CoLAB to contribute to the creation of innovative solutions (cyber-physical systems) and the catalyzation of scientific Knowledge into value for companies and society.”
The project was supported by ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação through Business R&D- Mobilizing Projects, co-financed by COMPETE2020, Lisboa2020, Portugal2020, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).