The Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital – DTx is a non-profit private association, that carries out its activity doing applied research in different areas linked to digital transformation.

The DTx brings together a broad and diverse group of Shareholders from Academia, Non-Business Entities within the R&D and Innovation System (ENESII), and Industry.


Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP)

Universidade de Évora (UÉvora)

Universidade do Minho (UMinho)



Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento de Produto (CEiiA)

INL- International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL)

CCG/ZGDV Institute

Pólo de Inovação em Engenharia de Polímeros (PIEP)


Accenture Technology Solutions – Soluções Informáticas Integradas, S.A. (Accenture)

Bosch Car Multimédia Portugal, S.A. (Bosch)

Cachapuz – Weighing & Logistics Systems, Lda. (Cachapuz)

Celoplás – Plásticos para a Indústria, S.A. (Celoplás)

dstgroup (dst)

IKEA Industry Portugal S.A. (IKEA)

Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, S.A. (INCM)

Mobileum Inc. (Mobileum)

NOS Inovação (NOS)

Primavera – Business Software Solutions S.A. (Cegid)

SIBS – Forward Payment Solutions, S.A.

Simoldes Plásticos S.A. (Simoldes)

TMG – Tecidos Plastificados e Outros Revestimentos Para a Indústria Automóvel, S.A. (TMG Automotive)


The main goals of DTx are:

New holistic approaches in the conception and development of cyber-physic systems (CPS).

Create, study and implement new holistic approaches in the conception and development of cyber-physic systems (CPS), capable of integrate transdisciplinary perspectives (engineering of systems thinking), combined with creative thinking (design thinking), complexity and multidisciplinarity of knowledge, in the promotion of open innovation and its sustainability in the creation of products, services and interfaces in cyber-physic technologies.

New methods of assessing the creation of value

To develop new methods of assessing the creation of value for the different involved agents arising from the adoption of cyber-physic systems.

To assess the economic, social and legal impacts

To assess the economic, social and legal impacts arising from the digital transformation processes in the industrial and organizational fields.

Digital ecology efficiency

To develop methods and techniques to asses the efficiency of the behaviors and organizational cultures, within a digital ecology guided by CPS, distinguishing the individual, organization and inter-organizations levels.

To promote cooperation between the academy and the industry

To promote cooperation between the academy and the industry within the research applied processes to the digital transformation of industry and of society.