To develop its activity, DTx counts on the following organisational structure.
The social bodies’ structure, for the three year period of 2024-2027, is as follows:
General Assembly:
President: António Pires (Accenture Technology Solutions – Soluções Informáticas, S.A.)
Secretary: Vítor Beires Nogueira (Universidade de Évora)
Member of the General Assembly: Ana Paula Pontes Galvão (INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory)
Strategy and Supervision Commitee:
President: Cândido Sousa Martins (Cachapuz, Weighing & Logistics Systems, Lda)
Secretary: Fernando Albano Maia de Magalhães Ilharco (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
Commitee Member: Joana Coutinho Sousa (NOS Inovação, S.A.)
Audit Commitee:
President: Ana Marta Moreira da Silva Caldas Couto (Instituto CCG/ZGDV)
Secretary: Jorge Maurício Pinto da Costa Portal (Simoldes Plásticos S.A.)
Audit Commitee Member: Cristiano Machado Guimarães, Técnico Oficial de Contas
Executive Management Board:
President: Júlio César Machado Viana (Universidade do Minho)
Vice-President: Maria do Sameiro Faria Brandão Soares de Carvalho (Universidade do Minho)
Vice-President: José Manuel Pinho de Oliveira (IKEA Industry Portugal S.A.)
Vice-President: José Carlos Mota Vieira Machado (BOSCH Car Multimédia Portugal, S.A.)
Vice-President: Luís Moura Brás (Mobileum)
CEO: André Gomes Moreira de Matos
DTx Organisation chart