DTx develops its I&D activities in projects of four different typologies, in terms of objects and financing.
DTx develops its I&D activities in projects of four different typologies, in terms of objects and financing, namely:
– Specific (SE), projects among groups of associates, framed by the core funding ANI and oriented to address specific application challenges;
– Prospective (PP), projects between all the associates, framed by the core funding ANI and oriented to prospective developments considered strategic for DTx, in a 3 to 5 year time frame;
– Competitive (CP), projects carried out with one or more associates and, maybe, with external parties, with co-financing from national or European programmes.
Financed Projects
Project title: Contratação de Recursos Humanos Altamente Qualificados (PME ou CoLAB)
Support under the Northern Regional Operational Programme
Principal objective: To promote sustainable and quality employment and support labour mobility
Region of Intervention: North
Beneficiary Entity: Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital DTX
Date of approval: 04/04/2019
Start date: 01/01/2019
End date: 31/12/2021
Total eligible cost: 4.440.000,00 euros
Co-financing from the European Union: FSE – 4.440.000,00 euros
Strategic objectives:
DTx has structured its domains of action in the following areas:
– Software and Information Systems, including Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Communications and Cybersecurity
– Sensors and Hardware, including Micro and Nanoelectronics and Flexible Electronics
– Human Factors, including Human-Machine Interface and Social and Ethical Issues
– Advanced Materials, including Smart and Sustainable Materials
– Intelligent Manufacturing, including Processes and Production Management in the context of Industry 4.0
The LEIMSA (Lightweight Electronics by Injection Molding in Seamless Architecture) project aims to develop disruptive components for the interior of the car of the future, with the purpose of following the market evolutive trends in the automotive industry and anticipate materialization.
Decorative elements and distinctive features will be integrated into the products with as few operations as possible, through the use of emerging technologies in the mold (in-mould operations) and lightweight, such as In-Mould Decoration (IMD), and In-Mould Labeling ( IML), High Pressure Forming (HPF) and In-Mould Electronics (IME), for the development of intelligent and haptic surfaces, with an attractive seamless 3D design and an immersive and intuitive Human-Machine Interface (HMI), centered on the user experience.
The LEIMSA project has a set of SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES focused on the development of applied R&D and the transfer of knowledge around the following areas:
• Flexible electronics, printed and embedded in the product.
• Design and concept of lightweight product.
• Haptic feedback systems, lighting and sensing.
• Human-machine interfaces (HMI, UX, UI).
• Optimization of manufacturing processes and integration of technologies to produce components for the auto interior of the future.
• Methods for evaluating product quality and functionality at the various stages of the process.
Project: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-048378
Main objective: Strengthening research, technological development, and innovation.
Timeline: august 2020-june 2023
Elegible costs: 4.802.431,13€
Financed FEDER: 3.036.914,62€
I&DT Empresarial – Copromoção , Clube de fornecedores
Region:: North
Approval date: 10/11/2020
• Develop a self-disruptive Interior, with flexible design.
• Create user-centered HMI concepts, integrating gesture performance, touch displays and haptic feedback into a 3D shape demonstrator.
• Seamless and lightweight integration of printed and hybrid electronics into the product by IME.
• Development of a control panel/central console that integrates decoration and functionalization with as few operations as possible (Minimization of the number of operations in the production/ assembly process).
Project title: COUNTED – Coronavirus Transmission: Count and Detect
Project code: POCI-01-02B7-FEDER-050226
Principal objective: OT1 – Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
Region of Intervention: Norte
Data of approval: 29/05/2020
Start date: 01/06/2020
End date: 31/07/2021
Total eligible cost: 492.688,55 euros
Co-financing from the European Union: FEDER – 394.150,84 euros
Strategic objectives:The aim of this project is to develop and validate a new platform to identify the potential of a person to transmit the virus. Specifically, our goal is to detect viral particles in breath samples because aerosol is the most common route of spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Project Title: NeWest – New generation of cyberphysical Weighing Systems
Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-069716
Principal Objective: OT1 – Strengthen research, technological development and innovation
Intervention Region: North
Beneficiary Entities: Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital – DTx
Other Beneficiary Bodies: CACHAPUZ – Weighing & Logistics Systems, Lda; Laboratório Ibérico Internacional de Nanotecnologia; Universidade do Minho
Approval date: 10/12/2020
Start date: 30/12/2020
End date: 29/06/2023
Eligible cost: 350,581.82 euros
EU Co-financing: FEDER – 262,936.37 euros
Strategic objectives:
SO1: Development of a cloud platform aggregating data and services, with IoT data acquisition and programming interfaces (APIs) with different access levels for creating new business applications within the Cachapuz ecosystem
SO2: Development of smart devices, which incorporate: (i) digital load cells with innovative sensors, IoT devices and firmware; (ii) Smart Boxes, open source operating systems and smart weighing and communication functionalities and (iii) Smart Devices with smart aggregation, data processing and communication functionalities
SO3: Development of a secure and reliable data communication system, which uses secure Firmware Update Over The Air and supports various types of communications: BLE and Wi-Fi for industrial environments (short range), LoRa and NB-IoT for individual load cell solutions with secure and scalable connection through the network infrastructure of telecom operators
SO4: Development of new sensors, nanofabricated magnetoresistive sensors in the INL laboratories, as well as other piezo-electric type sensors
Project name: (Link4S)ustainability – A new generation connectivity system for creation and integration of networks of objects for new sustainability paradigms
Project code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046122 | LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-046122
Main objective: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
Region of intervention: NUTS II – North, Center and Lisbon
Beneficiary entities: NOS Comunicações, S.A.; CEiiA – Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento (Associação); WeDo Consulting – Sistemas de Informação, S.A.; International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL); Exatronic, Lda.; Universidade do Minho; Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital (DTx); REN – Rede Elétrica Nacional, S.A.; REN Portgás Distribuição, S.A.; NOS Technology – Conceção, Construção e Gestão de Redes de Comunicações, S.A.; WyzeOps – Mobility Operations, Lda; Beyond Vision – Sistemas Móveis Autónomos de Realidade Aumentada, Lda.
Approval date: 23/07/2020
Start date: 01/07/2020
Completion date: 30/06/2023
Total eligible cost: 7.599.870,82€
Financial support from the European Union: FEDER – 4 732 738,39 €
Goals: The Link4S project consortium, led by NOS and in collaboration with WeDo, Exatronic, REN, Portgás, Wyze, Beyond Vision, CEiiA, DTx-CoLab, INL and the University of Minho, is committed to generating new scientific knowledge dedicated to the design, development and testing of a new generation of connectivity devices and their associated platforms (communication and software), with the aim of integrating networks of objects in the context of mobility and energy. The project also aims to develop and validate innovative business models and network concepts geared towards sustainable digital solutions that improve the standard of living in cities and reduce environmental impact.
Results Achieved: The results achieved by the (Link4S)ustainability project are presented below, by PPS (Product, Process or Service):
• Under PPS1 – Framework Cyber-Physical System, a new generation connectivity system with a high degree of customization for different business cases was developed, demonstrated and validated, built on an integrated cyber-physical systems (CPS) framework;
• Under PPS2 – System in Package Platform Components, a new customizable “system-in-package” platform was developed, produced and tested, integrating sensors and a customized processor into a single intelligent package, providing the low-level physical abstraction layer for the new generation of devices ready for cyber-physical systems;
• Under PPS3 – New Generation CPS-ready devices, a new embedded intelligent device (SEC) and software platforms responsible for the communications network infrastructure (NB-IoT/5G compatible) were developed, addressing ubiquitous connectivity;
• Under PPS4 – CPS for Mobility, different horizontal use cases were implemented to validate and demonstrate the technologies and solutions developed within the scope of the project for the creation of new business models in the mobility sector, which will make a significant contribution to decarbonizing society and promoting sustainable behavior;
• Under PPS5 – CPS for Energy, different horizontal use cases were implemented to validate and demonstrate the technologies and solutions developed within the scope of the project for optimizing operations in the energy services sector, which will contribute to reducing its carbon footprint and sustainable development.
In short, the (Link4S)ustainability project has achieved its objectives. For more information, please visit the project website (https://link4s.pt/).
Project Code: POCI-01-02B7-FEDER-050561
Principal Objective: OT1 – Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
Intervention Region: North, Centre
Beneficiary Entities: Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital – DTx
Other Beneficiary Entities: CEIIA- Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento (Association); EXATRONIC, LDA; EFACEC Energia – Máquinas e Equipamentos Elétricos S.A.
Approval date: 28/09/2020
Start date: 01/04/2020
End date: 30/06/2021
Eligible cost: EUR 130,742.50
European Union Co-financing: FEDER – 104,594.00 euros
Strategic objectives:
SO1: To develop an innovative medical ventilator
SO2: To develop an advanced version (V2), with an architecture (software and hardware) structured in subsystems, systems and modules that enables adaptation to the competences of the national industry and that also enables response to CE certification for its production and large scale and internationalisation of the product
Project Title: SIFA: Intelligent Additive Manufacturing System
Project Code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047108
Principal Objective: TO1 – Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
Intervention Region: North, Centre
Beneficiary Entities: Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital – DTx
Other Beneficiary Entities: BOSH CAR Multimédia Portugal, S.A.; Universidade do Minho; CEIIA- Centro de Engenharia e Desenvolvimento (Associação);DISTRIM 2 – Indústria, Investigação e Desenvolvimento S.A.; ATT-Advanced Tool Technology, Lda.; Mota-Engil, Engenharia e Construção S.A.
Approval date: 19/04/2021
Start date: 01/04/2020
End date: 31/04/2023
Eligible cost: EUR 227.745,21
European Union Co-financing: FEDER – EUR 170.808,91
Strategic objectives:
SO1: Systematic alignment with the economic performance of the top tier companies of The International Special Tooling & Machining Association (ISTMA)
SO2: Increase technological capacity in the manufacture of products with very high added value, to product innovation
In this project, DTx‘s activities are focused on:
– Technological and market survailance of Additive Manufacturing technologies;
– Development of a life cycle assessment methodology for additive manufacturing processes (fused filament fabrication, powder-bed fusion) and products (polymeric, metallic and ceramic);
– Quantify the environmental impact of the AM process system and develop guidelines towards carbon emissions reduction.
– Implementation of machine-learning based approaches for the optimization of processing parameters and quality prediction of parts manufactured via AM.
Project Designation: PRR – Investment RE-C05-i02: Interface Mission – CoLAB
Main Goal: OT8 – Promote the sustainability and quality of employment and support labor mobility
Start date: 01/01/2022
End date: 31/03/2026
Funding (PRR): 5.000.000,00 euros
Main goals: The DTx developed a long-term R&I agenda on the Digital Transformation of the Industry and Society. This agenda resulted from the consortium long term vision (reflected in prospective projects) and is further sustained and coupled with short-term goals (translated in specific projects), with more direct and localized impact, namely on the industrial partners expectations. DTx current strategy consists of developing R&I on five scientific domains, namely: Software and Information Systems; Hardware and Sensors; Intelligent Manufacturing; Advanced Materials; and Human Factors & Social and Legal Issues, where the priority research areas are integrated and developed. To each technical area are allocated critical resources that allow implementing this R&I agenda. Both the long-term strategy and the short-term objectives will be associated to policies to attract and sustain adequate human resources. Furthermore, the structure of the envisaged R&I was established to foster, in the long term, a business development strategy that allows a smooth and sustainable functioning of DTx. This project is being supported by the Portugal’s Recovery and Resilience Plan: www.recuperarportugal.gov.pt
Name of the Agenda: Aero.Next Portugal
Start Date: 01-10-2021
End Date: 31-12-2025
Investment: 123.281.163,18€
Beneficiary Entity: Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital – DTx
Investment (of the beneficiary): 2 225 381,59€
Goals, activities and expected/ achieved results: The Aero.Next Portugal Agenda aims to strengthen Portugal’s position in the aeronautical value chain and consolidate the cluster associated with it through complete, complex and high added value products. To this end, it will ensure the dominance of Portugal throughout the design, development, industrialization and marketing phases, making the country a relevant decision center in aeronautics, reducing its dependence on the outside world and triggering strong drag effects on the national economy. To this end, it brings together a wide range of entities with strong and complementary skills for the development of the aeronautical ecosystem, with a view to promoting innovation, knowledge of the market and the paradigms of Digital Transition and Climate Transition. Maximizes existing assets in the country and promotes investment in more than one NUTS2, highlighting the case of Alentejo, with positive impacts on territorial cohesion.
Project name: Be.Neutral – Zero carbon mobility cyber-physical products for cities around the world
Total investment for the agenda: 221.376.867,92€
DTx Investment: 4 490 790,73€
Package: Green Agendas for Business Innovation Beneficiary
Entity: Digital Transformation CoLab – DTX
Start date: October 1st 2021
End date: December 31st 2025
Total financial support for the agenda: 128.191.402,26€
Financial support for DTx: 4 490 790,73€
Objectives and expected results: Be.Neutral aims to position Portugal as an exporter of cyber-physical carbon-neutral mobility products for cities worldwide. It was conceived based on the opportunity to develop, industrialize, and operate new mobility products and services (physical devices, connectivity, and data science platforms) with real-time emissions avoidance quantification capabilities to accelerate carbon neutrality by 2023.
The participation of the Digital Transformation CoLab – DTX aims at the development of PPS8 “Connectivity Infrastructure and Management Platforms” and PPS9 “New Generation of Connectivity Devices” related to WP2 “Infrastructure and Connectivity Devices Management.” Additionally, it includes PPS14 “Light Vehicle BEN” related to WP6 “Light Vehicle BEN.”
Acronym and Project title: INOV.AM – Innovation in Additive Manufacturing
Description: INOV.AM arises from the emerging need to stimulate and innovate the Portuguese industry, in order to revolutionize and enhance Portugal’s potential and competitiveness in the international market, within the scope of additive manufacturing. It aims to develop new materials, advanced manufacturing processes, post-production, advanced automation, control software, new products, and training and skills development of the human resources.
Start date: 01/07/2022
End date: 31/12/2025
Investment: EUR 76 952 903, 21
Incentive: EUR 53 267 360,63
Beneficiary Entity: Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital – DTX
Beneficiary’s investment: EUR 417 756,81
Beneficiary’s incentive: EUR 417 756,81
Acronym and Project Title: NGS – New Generation Storage
Lead Entity: DST SOLAR, S.A
Description: The New Generation Storage (NGS) Innovation Pact is completely aligned with the European Union’s energy transition strategy until 2040, along with the challenge for the complete electrification of mobility by 2035. Based on a model structured in 8 Work Packages that cover the entire value chain of component production, battery packs and recycling, NGS proposes to add value to each stage of the process, culminating in a common goal: the creation of a new technological ecosystem in the area of batteries that will make the national industry stand out in the global market. Through the cooperation of 49 entities (25 companies and 24 Non-Business Entities of the R&I System), the aim is to structurally transform the national productive fabric, creating the necessary conditions – at the technological level and human resources – for an industrial ecosystem capable of mass production of innovative technologies, and a complete value chain that allows the management of end-of-life of world reference.
Start date: 01-01-2022
End date: 31-12-2025
Investment: 194 801 930,98€
Goals, Activities and Expected Results:
NGS is composed of complementary technological Work Packages (WP), with the capacity to autonomously generate Products, Processes or Services (PPS) for the international market, incorporating innovative technologies that can increase the value over the life of the project. Individually, each WP can operate independently in a specific area of the value chain. However, together they interconnect and build a meaningful circular chain.
The WP1 “Advanced Refining and Valorization” aims to install a large refinery and actions related to sustainable refining and valorization processes, aiming to implement an innovative and improved industrial line for lithium processing, through sustainable technology based on membrane electrolysis.
The WP2 “Cells, Modules and Components” aims at the installation and operation of cell/module manufacturing lines and the development of new and safer and more sustainable electrodes, ligands, electrolytes and separators, in close connection with the WP1 and the WP5.
The WP3 “Battery Assembly” foresees the installation of three productive assembly lines for stationary battery modules for the automotive industry; It also provides for the integration of cabling, connectors and casings, as well as energy management systems and control electronics, modeling and development of the proposed product.
The WP4 “Integration and Application” includes five pilot lines related to: the connection of batteries to the grid for power grid management; the use of batteries for different purposes – residential, commercial and industrial; battery integration into fast charging stations; battery
integration in vehicles. These pilot lines will allow the definition of technology and knowledge that will be applied to the use of batteries in a wide range of situations.
The WP5 “Recycling and Second Life” includes lines of action related to the recycling of battery materials and components, battery disassembly and second life batteries. Furthermore, recycling the battery elements will enable the WP1 to be powered, creating a fully closed circular design.
The WP6 “Advanced Training and Courses” is transversal to the entire NGS Innovation Pact and aims to train human resources in companies involved in the NGS, as well as provide highly specialized training for future master’s and doctoral students, promoting technical and university qualifications in companies.
The WP7 “Technological Platform and Entrepreneurship” is also transversal to the entire Innovation Pact and includes lines of action with the objective of developing and implementing a Technological Platform, which will support the national industry to position itself as an important international actor in the sector of batteries. The main objective of this Platform is to support market innovation (from laboratory to factory) for the full development and market adoption of technological solutions, supporting them in all necessary stages of development along the value chain.
The WP8 “Dissemination and Management” is structural for the entire project and aims to communicate and disseminate the global objectives and results of the NGS, intending to widely promote this Pact among sector stakeholders (scientific community and market). It also includes the technical management of the NGS Pact.
The NGS pact will deliver 14 PPS, namely:
• PPS1 – Sustainable Technology for Lithium Refinement
• PPS2 – Predictive Machine Learning based Platform
• PPS3 – New recovery process to value HCl (by-product) for LiCl production
• PPS4 – New processes for pilot-production of novel-types of batteries namely, flexible battery cells, thin-film-based solid-state batteries, and structural batteries
• PPS5 – New service for research testing and validation of the novel cathode solution developed
• PPS6 – New cylindrical and prismatic cell battery modules
• PPS7 – New processes for battery testing and certification
• PPS8 – New fast charging battery pack technology
• PPS9 – Modular Energy Management System
• PPS10 – New sustainable processes for recycling of Li-ion batteries
• PPS11 – New industrial processes and services for 2nd life applications
• PPS12 – New training modules for the battery sector
• PPS13 – NGS Platform and Network
• PPS14 – Digital energy management systems
Acronym and Project Title: R2UTechnologies | modular system
Description: The Innovation Pact “R2UTechnologies | modular system” consists of the development and industrialization of a new disruptive concept of modular construction. This concept will be developed in order to be able to respond to the growing needs of the market and the new challenges of the sector, particularly in terms of sustainability and environmental protection. As a result, the Pact will empower the business sector, the academic sector and HR themselves with the means, knowledge and key skills to create, on national soil, a cluster for the global supply of the modular construction sector, thus envisaging the launch of 18 PPS with a tradable and internationalize profile at the end of the project.
Start date: 01.01.2022
End date: 31.12.2025
Investment: 177 414 466,61€
Goals, Activities and Expected Results:
The R2U Technologies is structured into 7 Work Packages, each focused on a different segment of the construction sector’s value chain, from the design phase to the operation and maintenance of the building throughout its life cycle. The WPs aim to respond to the current and future needs of the sector, with the purpose of creating a synergistic network between partners and relevant players, minimizing dependence on external markets.
The WP1 “Principles of Modular Construction” aims to explore different technical engineering and design concepts associated with modular construction for the development of sustainable, efficient, intelligent, and high-performance modular construction systems, based on a customizable and scalable matrix, in accordance with the requirements and challenges of different functional programs. The knowledge generated in this WP will be crucial to guide the designs and developments to be carried out in the remaining WPs and to validate the respective results.
The WP2 “Materials” aims to promote in-depth and multidisciplinary research for the development of new materials for modular construction, enabling the creation of high-performance solutions that respect the constraints and demands of this industry. Based on these results, which are expected to be innovative and have a high degree of technological maturity, the respective industrialization processes will be carried out for its manufacturing and internationalization processes to promote its introduction into the world market.
The WP3 “Products” focuses on the exploration and development of finished products relating to different components or specialized areas of the construction process, namely framing systems, variable geometry panels, modular facade systems, sanitary solutions, air conditioning systems, walls, and ceilings, prefabricated concrete structures and energy production systems. Based on these results, their respective industrialization processes will be carried out for their
manufacturing and internationalization processes to promote their introduction into the world market.
The WP4 “Industrial Equipment” aims to operationalize the manufacturing and assembly process of final modular construction solutions, through the creation of new specialized and integrated industrial units, equipped with advanced technology and autonomous systems, in line with the paradigm of Industry 4.0.
The WP5 “Digital, Collaborative Services and IoT Systems” aims to create a digital collaborative work environment, capable of gathering and sharing critical information between different actors and between different stages of the production process, facilitating the existence of greater vertical alignment in the supply chain. value and the development of construction solutions that are better suited to market needs. An additional goal is to create and verticalize IoT systems and respective digital services to create modular buildings with customizable intelligent monitoring and control capabilities.
The WP6 “Training” comprises a diverse set of actions that aim to promote the training and training of human resources involved in disciplinary themes involving modular construction, aimed at the entire national construction industry, creating conditions for a change in the specialization profile of the industry. Additionally, the aim is to develop a multidisciplinary curricular plan for different qualification levels. It is also intended to promote the creation of a new Skills Center, dedicated to advanced training of new skills in critical areas.
The WP7 “Coordination and Dissemination” aims to ensure the communication, promotion, dissemination and demonstration of results of the R2U Technologies project. It also aims at global technical, administrative, and financial management.
The R2U Technologies Pact will deliver 18 PPS technologically innovative with high added value, with a strong commercialization and internationalization profile, namely:
• PPS1 – High performance bathroom solutions for modular construction
• PPS2 – Innovative wall coverings for modular construction application
• PPS3 – High performance prefabricated structural systems for modular construction
• PPS4 – High performance ecological concretes and cements
• PPS5 – High performance glass surfaces
• PPS6 – Modular Facade Systems
• PPS7 – Minimal Window Frames
• PPS8 – Variable Geometry Panels
• PPS9 – Facades with laser welding
• PPS10 – Wall and Ceiling Solutions
• PPS11 – High performance AVAC unit for modular construction
• PPS12 – Flexible BIPV modules for modular construction application
• PPS13 – Customizable technologically advanced modular building units
• PPS14 – Digital energy management systems
• PPS15 – 2D Hybrid modular elements
• PPS16 – Innovative digital services, applications, and systems for all phases of modular construction
• PPS17 – Digital Twin
• PPS18 – Multidisciplinary curriculum plan for specialization in Modular Construction and related fields
Name of the Project: AzDIH – Azores Digital Innovation Hub | Polo n.º 862
Programme Investment Line: TD-C16-I03 – Catalisação da transição digital das empresas, “Digital Innovation Hubs”
Measure: TD. Transição Digital
Consortium Leader: Associação NONAGON – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia de S. Miguel
Start date: 02/01/2023
End date: 30/09/2025
Total Investment: 3.253.742,42€
Website: www.azoresdih.pt
Objetives and expected goals: The AzoresDIH (AzDIH) is a partnership of 13 organizations specialized in business digitalisation, providing infrastructure, resources, and knowledge for the digital transformation of companies and public institutions. The AzoresDIH is aligned with its regional RIS3 but seeks and prioritises collaboration with entities in other European countries. AzDIH was oficially recognized as part of the Portuguese network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) under the strategy Digital Portugal, and obtained the Seal of Excellence, being an EDIH, member of the European network under the Digital Europe strategy.
With a special focus on tourism and sustainability, green economy, and manufacturing sectors, the AzDIH will deliver a number of digitalisation-oriented services, as well as monitor the impact on the target groups, categorized in the domains of test before investing, support to find investments, training and digital skills, innovation ecosystem, and networking. It has set the following objectives:
• Act as a one-stop-shop and cornerstone mechanism for coordination of digitalisation and digital transformation in the regional industry (with particular attention to SMEs) and public institutions;
• Continuously update and build capacities on the necessary infrastructure, expertise, and resources to provide a complete set of services aligned with the digital needs;
• Engage with the Network of European Digital Innovation Hubs to deliver and receive improved capabilities in HPC, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Advanced Digital Skills and to speed up the best use of digital technologies.
Current status: Ongoing (October 2023)
Beneficiary Entity: DTx – Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital
Investment (beneficiary): 218 815,00 €
Name of the Project: ATTRACT DIH | Polo n.º 774
Program Investment Line: TD-C16-I03 – Catalisação da transição digital das empresas, “Digital Innovation Hubs”
Measure: TD. Transição Digital
Start date: 01/10/2022
End date: 31/12/2025
Total Investment: 5.993.413,04€
Website: https://attract.inesctec.pt/
Objectives and expected goals: ATTRACT DIH aims to support the digital transition underway in Portugal, with special emphasis on AI and HPC. To this end, it will act as a fully qualified access point (one-stop-shop) to support companies, especially SMEs, and Public Administration (PA), in the design, development and adoption of methodologies and solutions exploring the potential of AI and HPC, making available the main Portuguese competence centres in these fields.ATTRACT DIH aims to work on both the supply and demand sides, in order to accelerate and increase the impact of these technologies, by supporting the development of new technologies and solutions that address the needs of SMEs and PA and, at the same time, to support the end users to adopt them.
Main specific objectives:
- Support the design, development and validation of new products and services that benefit from AI or HPC;
- Promote the dissemination and adoption of solutions based on AI or HPC, including the implementation of demonstrators of said technologies;
- Support the establishment of new companies to develop or explore solutions based on AI or HPC;
- Promote the capacity-building of human resources from companies, PA and R&D entities;
- Promote and develop innovation ecosystems that include the areas of AI or HPC, while facilitating and promoting the access of companies and public entities to the European network of Digital Innovation Hubs, thus favouring the exchange of experiences and knowledge at European level, as well as the development of joint projects.
Current status: Ongoing (May 2024)
Beneficiary Entity: DTx – Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital
Investment (beneficiary): 444 613,01€
Project sheet
Name of the Project: CONNECT5 | Polo n.º 766
Programme Investment Line: TD-C16-I03 – Catalisação da transição digital das empresas, “Digital Innovation Hubs”
Measure: TD. Transição Digital
Start date: 01/10/2022
End date: 30/09/2025
Total Investment: 5.979.613,51€
Website: https://connect5.pt/
Objectives and expected goals: CONNECT5 – DIH for Connectivity, CPS, IoT, Cloud/Edge and Data Analytics aims to create and operate a national and European reference DIH supporting the digital and green transformation of SMEs and public organizations. CONNECT5 is a collaborative network, in the form of a Consortium of 12 entities (RTO, polytechnic institutes, universities), with high level of expertise in digital technologies, state-of-the-art infrastructures and a deep nation-wide network of contacts (companies, business associations, public entities, etc.) bringing together their complementary expertise and assets, to create a unique value platform. CONNECT5’s will leverage on its capabilities based on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), Communications networks (5G and 6G), infrastructures (Cloud and Edge Computing), Big Data platforms and analytical data processing, supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity and High-performance computing (HPC) when required, enabling the target entities to evaluate its impacts and the feasibility to their business before further investing in it. The services provided by CONNECT5 will be based on the definition of a digital transformation strategy identified in close cooperation with the user materialized on a strategic road map validated through the 4 main domains: i. Test before invest; ii. Skills and training; iii. Support to find investment; iv. Innovation ecosystem and networking. Included in the action plan is also the Digital Maturity Assessment, transformation proposal and acceleration with the DTA. CONNECT5 will provide a wide range of services that will enable any beneficiary to access the latest knowledge, expertise and technology with a special focus on the connectivity dimension for testing and experimenting digital innovation relevant to their activity, matching their needs with digital solutions already available or in an advanced phase of deployment. CONNECT5 expertise is reinforced by national projects like 5GO (focused on communication technologies), AUGMANITY (focused on I4.0) and CITYCATALYST (Focused on smart cities) among other activities (OASC, Gaia-X).
Current status: Ongoing (May 2024)
Beneficiary Entity: DTx – Associação Laboratório Colaborativo em Transformação Digital
Investment (beneficiary): 475 448,99€
Project sheet
Project description
Project reference:
Project’s Acronym:
Project title:
I-CATER – Intelligent robotic Coworker Assistant for industrial Tasks with an Ergonomics Rationale
Requested funding:
Starting date:
36 meses
Principal Contractor:
Universidade do Minho (UM)
– Principal Investigator: Full Professor Estela Bicho
– Co-Principal Investigator: Full Professor Pedro Arezes
Research Units:
Centro de Investigação ALGORITMI (Algoritmi/UM)
Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Minho (CMAT)
Participating Institution:
Technological Innovation & Transfer Groups:
Ergonomics and Engineering Psychology
Computer Graphics and Vision
As industries push for continuous technological innovation to boost their competitiveness and future-proofness, balancing techno-economical goals with emerging societal needs is now more pressing than ever. Inspired by one of the three pillars of the latest EC policy designated as Industry 5.0, this project aims to place human needs and interests back at the center of the production process by introducing proactive and human-aware robots capable of true collaboration as co-workers. Although collaborative robots (cobots) have successfully permeated different industrial sectors, they still have a rather limited role as agents that share the human workspace mostly executing pre-programmed actions. In parallel, repetitive movements, awkward postures, and manual exertion are the key risk factors associated with Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSD) in industrial manufacturing tasks with a high impact on occupational absenteeism and decreased productivity. Another well-known trend is the aging of the European population and the increase of the retirement age, which is multiplying the number of workstations with senior workers. Therefore, it is essential to create human-centered workstations that adapt to the workers’ characteristics and possible physical/cognitive limitations. Moreover, it is imperative to create tools to conduct timely ergonomics risk assessment and mitigation. It is the understanding of the project team, that it is only a matter of time before the first ergonomics-aware robot is deployed on a factory floor, and this project aims to pioneer this leap. The research question we aim to address in this project is: “How do we integrate a real-time ergonomics assessment tool into the backbone of a true collaborative robotics system?” In the industrial context, there is a gap between the engineering aspects of human-robot collaboration (HRC) and the Ergonomics & Human Factors (E&HF). The few collaborative robotics frameworks that consider occupational health aspects, tend to present benefits on the working conditions as outcomes, rather than ergonomic criteria as inputs. We will address this challenge by creating a robotic system that is cognizant of the workers’ efforts during the shared task and that is capable of proactively engaging in joint actions to minimize the risk of WMSD and cognitive overload. Ergonomic assessments are still a slow multi-step process, unfit for the flexible modus operandi of cobots. Thus, a real-time monitoring system to track the workers’ movements, to assess incorrect postures, and physical/cognitive exertion indicators will be developed. Models will be created to map the ergonomics evaluation into a list of corrective measures, and then to set adequate robot actions. Most industrial applications involve a clear separation between the worker and robot, with a carefully intertwined task plan. Building on our previous work, we propose to move one step ahead, exploring dynamic interactions and unstructured collaboration plans allowing for natural and efficient HRC on a true peer-to-peer level. The robotic system will integrate high-level cognitive capacities such as intention inference, action understanding, and complementary action selection. To build trust and facilitate task coordination, the robot will continuously communicate about its perception and reasoning. Special attention will be paid to guarantee that the robot’s complementary actions are translated into smooth, safe, and human-like movements.
This project gathers researchers from Robotics Engineering and E&HF, and the most relevant challenges/problems to address are:
– Non-adjustable conventional workstations to the workers and their physical limitations;
– Inexistence of non-intrusive and rigorous ergonomic tools to assess in real-time, workstations with collaborative robotics;
– Lack of scientific-technological knowledge to generate mappings between incorrect postures or behaviors to corrective measures in real-time;
– Inexistence of mechanisms to integrate ergonomics criteria as an input to the reasoning and planning of the robot controller.
The current project will have the support of important industrial collaborators:
– KUKA, a leading cobot manufacturer committed to assist us with the latest technology and support;
– IKEA Industry Portugal, a crucial industrial partner to inspire the definition of system use-cases and to voluntarily recruit workers to test and validate the developed solutions.
The expected outcomes are as follows:
– Real-time ergonomics assessment system to track and evaluate, postures as well as other physical indicators, and extrapolate corrective measures;
– Reinforcement learning system to map the corrective measures to robotic system inputs;
– A flexible integrated robotic system capable of executing a shared human-robot task plan and reason about the working conditions.
Specific Projects
Development of an innovative weighing system with varied data acquisition, which will afterwards be processed, in a way that clients’ profiles can be identified, traceability increased and weighing fraud reduced. This project involves areas like Software and Information Systems, Sensors’ Hardware and Advanced Materials, and will be carried out with the associate Cachapuz.
The project aims to increase the know in-mould electronics (IME) technology of the consortium and to integrate it in the respective associates’ production processes. At the end of this project, the IME technology will be consolidated and integrated in production processes, products and/or innovative services, what will provide significant competitive gains to the participants (Bosch, Celoplás, Simoldes, INL, PIEP, UMinho). DTx’s areas covered: Software and Information Systems, Sensors’ Hardware, Advanced Materials and Smart Manufacturing.
Development of technologies for interiors of independent adaptable mobility platforms. With the advent of autonomous vehicles, the classic concept of the vehicle interior should be redefined to meet the new expectations in terms of i) customization and adaptability, ii) comfort iii) safety iv) interface man-machine (HMI) clear and engaging, and v) connectivity and customized infotainment. Consequently, all of DTx’s I&D areas will be covered. The consortium shall include the associates Bosch, Simoldes, TMG, CEiiA, INL, PIEP, Univ Católica and UMinho.
One of the technologies that IKEA Industry uses is the lamination process, that is completed with the application of textured and/or decorative paper on the substrates. In this context, the objective is to develop smart inspection systems to support the quality control and the efficiency of the process during the production. For the real-time feedback, data analysis, artificial intelligence and connectivity we will use cutting-edge technologies. Besides IKEA Industry, Neadvance and CCG will be involved.
Monitoring data in real-time, fraud detection and management; within the framework of Software and Information Systems from DTx and involves the associates WeDo, NOS and ebankIT.
Exploring new business models based on Big Data; within the framework of Software and Information Systems from DTx and involves the associate Primavera.
Development of a personal assistant; within the framework of Software and Information Systems from DTx and involves the associates NOS and ebankIT.
Development of an intelligent system of product monitoring for large commercial centers; within the framework of Software and Information Systems from DTx and involves the associate Accenture.
Prospective Projects
The next generation of cyber-physical systems (CPS) will require new approaches of co-design and co-development in its conception. These advanced and innovative CPS will require the integration of emerging technologies and multidisciplinary approaches, such as integration of smart materials and composites, of micro-nanotechnologies, photonics, energy production and storage, new communication resources, IA and cyberware tools, etc., these being further challenges to be researched in this project, in a way that provides new scientific knowledge in these subjects.
In the development of highly complex systems, such as new generation CPS, it becomes hard to anticipate all the relevant background situations and to define appropriate adaptation mechanisms during the contexts, due to the uncertainty linked to the diverse usage situations of the product in its lifetime. Examples of this difficulty include CPS/IoT which operate in different physical environments or in digital business processes that may face diverse users’ patterns or even client’s dynamic requirements. Therefore, this project aims to get scientific knowledge in innovative applications, such as: security systems, cybersecurity, vertical networks of smart production systems, integrated smart supply chains, smart interconnected companies, and safe collaborative robotics (robot/man or robot/robot), smart materials and structures integration.
In the context of new products, which include services or in smart production processes, are necessary new smart interfaces capable of communicate with people in an efficient and secure way. Thus, new interfaces man-machine have to be developed, with a multidisciplinary approach, including innovative technological solutions, but also sociological and psychological aspects. In this way, this prospective project will seek to develop knowledge of support to future innovative applications such as interfaces with CPS which can mimic human being; man-machine multimodal interfaces which can imitate/sensor.